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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Help me finish off this stock!!
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SubscribeHelp me finish off this stock!!
Big Fish
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Registered: 31-Aug-2004
female usa
30 gallons (tall not long)
1 angel
2 yo yo loaches

help me finish this off so it will look nice... i want a school or trio of little guys or something, needs to be relatively low maintenance. im not a fish savvy anymore i forget what I can do to add to this. I think i need something that eats algae maybe some otocinclus or what? how many of what? im clueless i havent done this in a while.
Post InfoPosted 30-Dec-2006 05:29Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Posts: 288
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Registered: 18-Jul-2006
male usa
I would finish the stocking off with
a pair of rams
8 panda cories
and 4 ottos or a bristlenose pleco

Post InfoPosted 30-Dec-2006 05:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Piranha Bait
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Registered: 16-Nov-2003
male canada ca-ontario
Yo yo loaches and otos might not go together too well.

1 trio of rams (1 male, 2 females)
1 trio of bristlenose plecos (1 male, 2 females)

Yes we noticed your absence Devon, glad to hear you're getting back into it. Good luck

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 01-Jan-2007 17:00Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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