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SubscribeWhich Gourami
Joe Potato
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Licorice gouramis are probably more sensitive and difficult to keep than the chocolates but both are best suited for a species tank with perfect water quality.

I remember reading an article about gouramis a few years ago in some magazine. I think it was Tropical Fish Hobbyist.

Anyway, the last sentence of the article was something along the lines of "If you ever see a gourami that is named after a type of candy, run away."
Post InfoPosted 14-Aug-2007 20:27Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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But it's so hard to resist a nicely colored Parosphromenus deissneri.
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 03:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
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Wow, it certainly is. I've never seen that species in person, and now I'm sorry that I haven't. That picture is breathtaking.
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 04:08Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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i have a dwarf gourami and he is kinda mean, but not overly aggressive

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 21:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
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The only one I can think of is the banded gourami (Colista fasciata) which is around 4" at adult size. Quite uncommon though.

Yeah, I've never seen one before today. Neat little fish. It's common name was listed as "Giant Gourami", like you and BettaChris said. Still not sure why it's called that, though.

Anyway, what's the story, Lindy? Given it any thought?
Post InfoPosted 20-Aug-2007 00:19Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
the gouramis i commonly see for sale are dwarf gouramis, bettas, honey gouramis, pearl gouramis, three spot/blue gouramis and occasionaly i see kissing gouramis, snakeskin gouramis, moonbeam gouramis and thick lipped gouramis. i saw a paridise fish for sale once as well.

well i think the best gourami is the climbing perch. they are predatory and are slightly aggresive and are not like any other gourami. they are more like a cichlid and they grow pretty big as well. thats why i like them but i have never ever seen them for sale anywhere. wish i had one.

another gourami i like is the chocolate gourami. again it is hard to find. they are very hard to look after but they look very good. bit like the discus of gouramis. they are very small about the size of a dwarf gourami. they are very sensetive to water quality and temperature change. probably best left to the experts for this one.

woot woot woot woot woot woot
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2007 13:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
Bettas and paradise fish aren't gouramis,but they are in the same family.

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2007 14:12Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
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i think the best gourami is the climbing perch.

It is a very neat fish, but isn't all that appropriate for a community. Any small fish is likely to become dinner.
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2007 15:58Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
I'm particularly fond of the dwarf gourami's, especially the flame dwarfs, they are so colorful and peaceful.
I find that they can be place with smaller slower moving fish better than some of the others i.e. 3 spot. not to mention that they stay small so you can add a few in a 55 gallon
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2007 19:25Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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female australia au-victoria
Hi all, thanks for all the responses. I think I will be going with the pearls. We have small and adult ones in the shop. Lovely fishes!

Now I just have to find time to redo the tank.

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 25-Aug-2007 13:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
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male usa us-northcarolina
EditedEdited by Joe Potato
Good choice!

Redo and pics! Immediately!

Post InfoPosted 26-Aug-2007 22:35Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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female australia au-victoria
Sure Joe! You come and play with the kiddies while I redo.

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 27-Aug-2007 00:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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