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L# Freshwater Species
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  L# Spotted Silver Dollars
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SubscribeSpotted Silver Dollars
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Registered: 03-Dec-2005
male australia
Hi, I live in Aus and I found recently some spotted silver dollars for sale. They look very similar to juvenile piranhas and was wondering if they are the same fish?

Post InfoPosted 30-Mar-2006 02:15Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
USAF Retired
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Registered: 08-Feb-2005
male usa
EditedEdited by OldTimer
No, just from the same family of Characins. Related to each other, but distant cousins.


Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. -- Mark Twain
Post InfoPosted 30-Mar-2006 02:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
In my own experience, Silver Dollars are actually mild-mannered and timid.
Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2006 04:31Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Id agree with bruce they are typically very good and even tempered but I did see a large one in the LFS get nipped by a sheepshead acara, and it turned round and took a chunk out of the acara that was deep and wide and eventually fatal. I know this because the guys at the lfs gave me the acara for nothing when I bought the other 3 in the tank, and while I got it to survive for another 2 months it did eventually die from osmotic failure, the bite must've taken a chunk of the liver with it.

They have the same touch that rainbowfish do. Peaceful until attacked , then WOW.

Its worth remembering that sometimes primarily vegetarian fish have bite power that rivals predatory fish. Plants are tough!
Post InfoPosted 05-Apr-2006 11:59Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 31-Dec-2002
male usa
Kind of like Bugs Bunny with fins...

But the Solver Dollar I have experience with -- in a tank I was maintaining in a local business -- hid in the corner all the time; judging from small bitemarks on him, somebody was picking on him. After a few weeks, I took pity and found a fish store ready to let him heal up and then resell him.
Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 05:50Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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