Ancistrus sp. l182
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Ancistrus sp. l182

Common Names: L182
Starlight Bristlenose Pleco
Family: Loricariidae
Category: Catfish_Bottom_Feeders
Distribution: America - South; Rio Branco, Brazil
Main Ecosystem: River; River
Temperament: Reclusive; This pleco will hide during most of the day, but can easily be enticed out with food. The starlight bristlenose pleco may be territorial towards other plecos, but is peaceful with all other fish.
Diet: Herbivore; This species is an effective algae eater and will occasionally scavenge leftover food. This pleco will not harm aquarium plants.
Care: Provide an aquarium of at least 40 gallons for this species. The tank should be furnished with enough rocks, driftwood, and plants to provide adequate hiding places. Driftwood, although not mandatory, is highly recommended as this species is a blackwater fish, and thus requires soft, tannic filled water. Substrate is not important. Although this is a hardy species, it produces a lot of waste and good water quality should always be maintained.
6 - 7.5
22°C - 26°C
72°F - 79°F
8 dH - 15 dH
Potential Size: Male: 16cm (6.3")
Female: 16cm (6.3")
Water Region: Bottom; Bottom
Activity: NonSpecific; Although most plecos are technically nocturnal, this species will learn to become active whenever there is food in captivity.
Gender: Males will have bristles around their lips as well as their nose, while females only have bristles around their lips.
Breeding: Easy to stimulate breeding in blackwater conditions. Fry and eggs are sensitive to hardness salts.
Comments: The starlight bristlenose is more likely to be imported as a contaminant in a shipment of more common bristlenose plecos than as an intentionally imported species.
Main Colours: Brown, Black, Orange
Markings: Spots Small
Mouth: Sucking Disc
Tail: Concave
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Image Credit: ;Cory Addict
Submitted By: Natalie
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