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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Cyprinid Corner
  L# Barbs Up to No Good (Again)...
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SubscribeBarbs Up to No Good (Again)...
Posts: 73
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Registered: 23-Aug-2006
female usa
Hey All,

I had a quick question. I woke up this morning and fed my fish, as usual, but something caught my eye. In my barb tank, one of my arulius barbs was missing his entire tail fin, and it looked like his tail itself had been picked at. I don't understand this sudden attack on him; all of these fish have been together at least 2 months, and when all fish were introduced to one another, there were mini mock battles but nothing this serious. What's going on, do you think, and what should I do about it?

Thanks for your advice!

Post InfoPosted 13-Dec-2006 16:15Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 73
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Registered: 23-Aug-2006
female usa
Does anyone have any adivce at all? I know not a lot of time has passed, but I am worried about my fish. I don't want him to die or get sick on me.
Post InfoPosted 14-Dec-2006 01:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 14-Dec-2006 01:52
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Posts: 73
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Registered: 23-Aug-2006
female usa
Anyone? I'm really getting worried. I think he's starting to breathe harder, and the area around his gills is a bot red.
Post InfoPosted 15-Dec-2006 04:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 110
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Registered: 28-Jun-2004
male usa
Sounds like you need to place him in a quarantine tank, so that no other fishs can bother him. Then feed him some higher protein foods to help encourage regrowth. Some people have also had success with adding Melafix to aid regrowth.
Post InfoPosted 15-Dec-2006 22:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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